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Muhammadsulton Masoomi Khujandi


Muhammadsulton Masoomi Khujandi was born in 1875 year in Khujand city, in the family of scientist and gets an elementary education from his parents. He was dead in 1962 year in Makka city of Saudi Arabia. At first he had learned to talk and write in Persian language, than started to learn Arabic language. He started learning logic and a philosophy.
The first his books dispatched to beliefs about the Islam (iman) to believe to the religious, concerning to “Aqiida ann Nasafiya”, “Adudadiya”, “Tahviya”, “Javharat ut tavhid”, “Sanusiya”.
Muhammadsulton Masoomi Khujandi in 1905 year dedicated himself to science and the travel, traveled to the Makka through the Bukhoro then to Krasinobod, Baku, Tbilisi, Novorossiysk, Yalta, Sevastopol, Odessa then he went to the Stambul through the sea. From there he get to the Izmir and Aleksandriya and riched to Makka in 1906.
For three years he studied in Makka from greatest scientists of that times as sheikh Salih Kamal al Hanafi (scientist of Hanafi sect), Muhammad Said Babsil Ash Shafi (scientist of Shafi sect), also studied from master sheikh Muhammad Murad Ramzy al- Qazvini. In general more than 100 famous sheikhs of that period were his masters. After his travel to Saudi Arabia he came back to the native country and teaches at the special school (Medrese) that was built by his parents for him.

At the twenties started the prosecution of spiritual men and the life of the young famous teacher were in danger. After then he was obliged to leave the country as another excellent and patriots. The first he lived in Kulcha that was in Sin Zyan (China) territory. With the lapse of time, exactly in 1935 year he went to Arabia and lived there till the end of his life. Everywhere when was takes him his destiny he was busy with teaching. In consideration of his excellences the King of Saudi Arabia Abdulaziz assigned Haji Masoomi as his advisor and was using his advises for a long time.
About his influence and authority it would be enough to say that Muhammadsulton Masoomi was assigned to attend as the special representative of the King at the first Islamic international conference in Pakistan.
Muhammadsulton Masооmi is the author of the more than 200 compositions. The main compositions are:
1. The clearest argument in a “Umm – ul Qur’an” “ Fatiha” chapter of the Qor’ans commentary, was published for the first time from the personal means of the Saudi Arabia King – Abdulaziz ibn Abdurrahmann al Faisal Al saud in Arabic language at the “Umm al Qura” printing house in 1938 year;
2. “Hablush–sharial matin va urvatud – dinil – mubin ” Publication of Cairo 1375 a.h. (1955 a.d.) (Thread of the legislation of dignified sharia and a ligament of clear religion) The writing of the mentioned book started in 1325 a.h. (1907 a.d.) and completed in 1330 a.h. (1912 a.d.) in a native lang of the author – Khujand city. The composition was written in Arabic language and consists of 1001 matters of beliefs and theology;
3. “To separate winners from depriveds in a save and separate of the religion and the unity of prophets”. In 1421 a.h. was published at printing house of “Dar ibn Javz” in Arabic language. Amount of the book is -386 pages;
4. The present of Muhammad Sultan to Muslims of Japan. Translation: Editorial staff of the site of “To Islam” 2010- 1431.

Nazarov Abdushukur Abdurahimovich

DSC_2618Nazarov Abdushukur Abdurahimovich – Doctor of Economics, Academician of the International Academy of Higher School, Professor, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Republic of Tajikistan (RT). Honorary Professor of the University of Texas (USA), Honorary Citizen of the city of Khujand. Organizer and head of the Center for the Training of Municipal Workers (since 1999). He was born in 1944 in Leninabad (now Khujand). Graduate of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (1967). He studied at the graduate school of the Central Economics Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Moscow, 1969-1972). Head. Department of Optimal Planning and Management, Sector of Economics and Sociology of Labor of the Institute of Economics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan (1972-1981). Head. Department of the Tajik branch of the Labor Research Institute of the State Committee of the USSR (Dushanbe 1981-1985). Head. Department “Management and Informatics”, “Management and Entrepreneurship” of TAU (1985-1998). Head. Department of Management and Entrepreneurship of the HF TTU (1998-1999). He was trained and participated in international programs on the basics of market economy and business development at the University of Texas at USA (1995), at the National Institute of Entrepreneurship of India (1995), and at the Institute of Small and Medium Business of Turkey (1997, 2002). Member of the expert group of the Republic of Tajikistan on improving the system of local government bodies and self-government in Central Asia. Scientific consultant on the development of the strategy for social and economic development of small towns and jamoats of the Republic of Tajikistan. For many years he was an expert of the OSI of the Federal Assembly of the Republic of Tajikistan and the FE in matters of local self-government. His research is devoted to the problems of management, entrepreneurship, socio-economic aspects of productivity growth, the use of EMM and computer technology in economic research, analysis, management, and improvement of the municipal system. For the first time in Central Asia, he developed a method for analyzing the impact of socioeconomic factors on the growth of labor productivity on the basis of the application of new methods of economic and mathematical modeling and computer technology, a study was launched and the development of a training module for improving the skills of municipal cadres in the system of local government and self- system). Under his leadership, over 10 candidates and doctors of economic sciences were trained. Author of more than 170 scientific and educational works, including 10 monographs and 12 textbooks.
Monographs: 1. Multifactor analysis of social aspects of increasing labor productivity / AN Taj. SSR Institute of Economics. Dushanbe: Donish, 1975. – 88s.
2. Methodological provisions of the analysis of the impact of socio-economic factors on labor productivity / AN Taj .SSR. Institute of Economics. -Dushanbe, 1977. – 82c.
3. Khosilnoki Mehnat Muhimtarin Omily Samarai Utekhsolot. – Dushanbe. Irfon. 1978 – 52s.
4. Socio-economic factors of growth of labor productivity / AN Taj .SSR. Institute
economy. – Dushanbe: Donish, 1981. – 215 p. 5. Methodological tools for development and
improving the organization of mentoring at enterprises (associations). Taj.fil.
Scientific and research work. – Dushanbe, 1984. – 41 p. 6. Normative net products in the industrial sector.
tion of Tajikistan. TajikNIINTI-Dushanbe, 1984 – 64s. 7. Problems of increasing production
labor productivity-Dushanbe: Irfon, 1987, 136p. 8. Problems of efficiency of use
management personnel at the enterprises of the agroindustrial complex of Tajikistan. TajikNIINTI, Dushanbe.1990-
33c. 9. Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan: trade and economic cooperation. Khujand, “Meroch”, ”
2011.- 208 with.
Textbooks: 1. Theory of the analysis of economic activity: Textbook / Nazarov AA, Kazakbaev
T.K., Zelner E.Ya. / M-in people’s education. Tadzh.gos-un-t.V.Lenin .- Dushanbe, 1989 – 119p.
2. Nazariya and tahlili Iktisodi: Kitobi Darcy. Vazorati Māoriifi CZHS Tojikiston. Donishoghi
Davlatii Tojikiston bam no VI Lenin. – Dushanbe, 1991 – 90s. 3. Nizomi automaticgardonia
idorokardan – automated control system: whaling Darcy / Donishgokhi agrarians
Tojikiston – Dushanbe, 1993 – with. 101. 4. The fundamentals of agribusiness: Textbook – Dushanbe, TAU,
1997 – 86s., 2nd ed. Varorud. 2000 – 122s. 5. Entrepreneurship: Study Guide: Dushanbe
– Khujand, 1998. 116c. 6. Economic analysis of small businesses.
Tutorial. Khudzhand: “SOMON”. 2003 – 247 p. 7. Municipal management.
Tutorial. Khujand, Izd. “Somon”, 2004. – 208s, 8. Shuttle business and new market
risks (Russian and English). Khujand, Somon, 2005. – 88 p. 9. Monograph: Tajikistan and Kyrgyz-
stan: trade and economic cooperation. – Khujand: ed. “Meroch”, 2011.-208 p.
10. Branch structure of the economy of the region. – Khujand: ed. “Meroch”, 2014.-264 p.
